- Aerodynamic: Flow of air around solid objects or the effect on moving objects
- Laminar Flow: Liquid under pressure in a hyedraulic system that makes system to work
- Turbulent Flow: A broken or choppy movement of water usually caused by fast whirlpool.
- Drag: Force that mkaes body slow when it is moving through a liquid
- Streamlined: A smoothly curved narrow shape which allows an object moving slowly throgh a fluid
TASK: Find an example which is built to minimize air resistence
Topic: Golf Ball

When golf was first invented, the golf ball was a smooth surfaced, spherical ball, and very few people liked golf because this kind of ball was always too hard to control its spin and direction. So in old time, only highly skilled players were able to play the game and even they could not play well as players in now a day. This problem was caused by the ball. The smooth surface which makes greatest air resistance, would effect by even a breeze and send the ball out of track.
Because of these reasons, many people tried to minimalize the air resistance
of the golf ball, and they finally succeeded when they introduced small pits on
the ball’s surface.
This is because that pits on the ball’s surface traps air and it is this same air that creates a turbulent layer on the ball's surface making the air flow around the ball which reduce the air resistance
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